Results for: marking

Equipping staff with AI automation skills to streamline marking and feedback
A project in the Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics brings the benefits of AI automated assessment and feedback to the teaching staff who need it most – sessional staff! (But you might like to try it too)

Exploring assessment: designing it, communicating how to do it, and then marking it
The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC guides you in reflecting on assessment in your unit and across the course.

Get the ball rolling with student peer marking
How to guide students on peer marking and decide which tools to use to support the process.

Have you tried blind marking yet?
Pros, cons and practical tips for using blind marking in iLearn and Turnitin.

Surviving And Managing Marking
Helpful tips from the blog archive on how to manage intense marking periods and stay sane!

Turnitin Multiple and Anonymous Marking
Two new Turnitin features, Multiple Markers and Anonymous Marking are available for Session 2 2018. What are they and when could you use them?

More on marking: Rubrics, feedback and team marking
Here's three things to address to alleviate the workload during end-of-session marking.

Surviving and managing marking
Here are some helpful tips on how to manage intense marking periods and stay sane

From overwhelm to engagement: Using creativity and AI in dense subjects
What happens when overwhelmed anatomy students are asked to make fun videos and use AI for inspiration?